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游戏花丛[电影解说] 334播放 已完结



  年轻热情的律师Boonparet正在代理一个案件,他的同父异母兄弟Pongdanai是一个花花公子和好色之徒,有许多情妇,包括Boonparet最好的朋友之一。Chisamai是Pongdanai暗中喜欢的见习律师,所以她被指派处理此案,这样他们就可以经常在一起。但是,当她得知Pongdanai的真相时,她决定代表Boonparet最好的朋友申请离婚,以此来反对他。~~改编自南塔娜·威拉雄(นันทนา วีระชน).)的小说《东渡麦》
  Boonparet, a young and eager attorney, is working on a case where he represents Pongdanai, his half brother, who is a playboy and a womanizer with many mistresses, including one of Boonparet’s best friends. Chisamai is an attorney trainee whom Pongdanai secretly likes, so she is assigned to handle the case, so they can be together more often. But, when she learns the truth about Pongdanai, she decides to work against him by representing Boonparet’s best friend to file for divorce~~ Adapted from the novel "Dong Dok Mai" (ดงดอกไม้) by Nantana Weerachon (นันทนา วีระชน).


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