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  Deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation, 20 January 2007
  Author: TimothyFarrell from Worcester, MA
  "Wild in the Streets" comes from the same school of film making that spawned other attempts to connect to the counterculture such as "Skidoo" and "Candy". The difference between this and the aforementioned films is that "Wild in the Streets" is reasonably clever and well-made. It isn't sympathetic to the counterculture and will likely offend those with fond memories of the time. Surprisingly, it was a big hit when released and appealed to the youth whom it ridiculed so much. Unlike "The Trip" and "Psych-Out" (two other AIP films), its not an accurate representation of the movement at all. However it does work as social satire.
  The direction by Barry Shear is good and makes innovative use of split screen photography. Plus, he keeps everything moving at a quick pace. In its funny moments, the film works well. In its attempts at drama, its helplessly dated and just as funny as the humorous moments. Christopher Jones underplays his role and Shelly Winters overacts. Hal Holbrook offers the best performance and Diane Varsi achieves the right note of "grooviness". The script by Robert Thom has its moments, especially the ending (easily the most ingenious part of the film). "Wild in the Streets" isn't perfect, but deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation. Those into this kind of kitsch will enjoy it the most. I'd rather watch "The Trip" or "Psych-Out" however. (6/10)
  -from imdb


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